"Teatro in times of plague"

The count at present is 312 confirmed cases, 22 deaths.

Yesterday we got another major food donation for the teatro family. Edy’s wife Lizeth is the administrator of the ballet school. Edy tells the story:

María José Alberty is an ex-student of the ballet school. She saw the publication Luis posted in Facebook and her mother contacted Lizeth and myself. She told us her daughter was going to acquire bags for la fragua. Yesterday the folks at Reino de las calles and at Hondureños solidarios called us and warned us to be ready, that they were going to delilver them. They brought the donation and they took me to the teatro, they did fotos and a little interview in which I was able to thank them for the donation. Then they brought me to my house again. The bags are in my house; I didn’t want to leave them in the teatro because of the rats.

"Es sencillo maestro, María José Alberty ex alumna de la escuela de balett vio la publicación que hiso Luis en el face book y la mamá de ella se comunico con Lizeth y conmigo, nos dijo que la hija iba a conseguir las bolsas para la fragua , el día de ayer la gente de Reino en las calles y Hondureños solidarios nos llamaron diciendo que estuvieramos listos porque la iban a entregar. La trajerón y me llevaron a mi al teatro, tomaron fotos y me hicierón una pequeña entrevista donde les di las gracias por la donación, luego me trajerón de regreso a mi casa. Así fue la historia. Las bolsas están en mi casa, no las quise dejar en la fragua por los ratones.""

There are 22 bags, considerably smaller than the donation from Monday. Each bag comes with:2 lbs corn flour,2 lbs de wheat flour,1 lbs de café,3 lbs of rice, 3 lbs de frijoles/beans, 1 lbs de lard, 1 ½ of spaguetti, 2 packages of tomato paste, Some bags have sugar, not all.

Lizeth calculates it’s about 5 days worth. Hugo, the night watchman, lives near Edy and picked up his ration; so there remain 21 which we will deliver, though there is no rush; Monday’s delivery should cover at least this week, probably about 10 days.

Meanwhile we have a new case in Progreso: in the Colonia Palermo, which is near the teatro on the other side of the Río Pelo. Chito and Luis live in that Colonia. Luis says: OK, the rumor of a COVID case confirmed in Palermo is totally true. I have a close friend who lives precisely on the street where they have placed the barricade. The patient is the pastor of the Mormon church in Las Palmeras. He was infected in the hospital in San Pedro where he was with his wife for childbirth.

Meanwhile we have a new case in Progreso: in the Colonia Palermo, which is near the teatro on the other side of the Río Pelo. Chito and Luis live in that Colonia. Luis says: OK, the rumor of a COVID case confirmed in Palermo is totally true. I have a close friend who lives precisely on the street where they have placed the barricade. The patient is the pastor of the Mormon church in Las Palmeras. He was infected in the hospital in San Pedro where he was with his wife for childbirth.

I live some 18 streets from the barricades. They have them at two streets from the house all around.

Ok, el CASO POR COVID que se ha confirmado en Palermo es totalmente cierto. Tengo un amigo cercano que vive justo en la calle donde pusieron el cerco epidemiológico. El infectado es el actual pastor de la iglesia mormón en las palmeras. se infectó en el catarino, donde asistía con la esposa por parto. Vivo a 18 calles del evento. El cerco lo extendieron solo 2 calles al rededor de la residencia del contagiado.

Keep healthy and wash your hands.




Send a contribution to:

teatro la fragua

c/o Jesuit Advancement Office

4511 West Pine Boulevard

St. Louis, MO. 63108, U.S.A./EE.UU.

Please send the donation details to teatrolafragua@gmail.com