"Teatro in times of plague"

5690 cases, 234 deaths.

Edy and Luis organized a rehearsal of The Lorax and were planning on recording a first session. But it turns out that nature is against us: There are several maestic ceiba trees dotting out property, and one especially that gives shade to the teatro. Those trees at the moment are spreading their seeds, which are fairly large – and make a continuous tusssss on the tin roof. We’ll have to wait until the trees are free of seeds to be able to record.

Friday, June 5, 2020 - 5880 cases, 243 deaths.

Tony Hernández was supposed to have his sentencing session today; they postponed it until September. (If you haven’t been following: Tony is the younger brother of the president JOH, who has been convicted in New York of drug trafficking.) There are rumours that he is singing in the hopes of getting a lesser sentence.

Saturday, June 6, 2020 - 5971 cases, 247 deaths.

Radio Progreso had another food ration for the company. Luis took care of distributing the bags, which were the same as last time.

Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 6155 cases, 250 deaths.

Luis took charge of distributing food aid and of recording our first radio teatro project. His commentary on the experience:

Durante la presente crisis hemos hecho llegar hasta nuestros compañeros cuatro raciones de alimentos básicos, así como también ayuda económica cada 15 días, todo a través de donaciones de diferentes organizaciones.

Hoy hemos recibido una llamada de Radio Progreso, para recoger una carga de 21 paquetes de alimentos en total, los cuales incluyen arroz, harina de trigo, harina de maíz, azúcar, sal, manteca, espaguetis, jabón para cocina, jabón para lavar ropa, detergente en polvo, entre otros.

Junio es un mes agitado para mi cada año; me encargo de contactar a los medios de comunicación que nos apoyarán en la celebración de nuestra temporada, también diseñar el tema de la campaña que llevará la celebración, cuñas radiales, producción de videos para redes sociales y preparar el diseño e impresión de la camiseta que lazamos anualmente. Adicionalmente siempre es necesario involucrarme en la gestión para recibir a los invitados, como ser el hospedaje, transporte y acondicionamiento para la ejecución de sus espectáculos. Hoy todo esto resulta ser solo un recuerdo, nuestro plan de trabajo anual se ha ido por la borda. Duele la ausencia de nuestra labor en las artes, aunque este último siempre esté con nosotros.

Hoy me encuentro trazando rutas para entregar alimentos a través de calles intransitadas. La fragua no me ha requerido para esto; ha prevalecido el sentido colaboración que normalmente impera en nuestro teatro. Edy también se ha involucrado en gran medida.

Esta semana preparé el equipo de grabación para nuestra anhelada producción de “El Lorax” versión radio teatro. Nos presentamos con Edy una noche antes para hacer las pruebas correspondientes. Cuatro micrófonos parecían ser suficientes para los personajes de la obra. El escenario de la fragua siempre ha contado con la acústica ideal (aunque no la necesaria para una grabación de estudio) y coincidimos en que se adaptaba a nuestras necesidades.

A la mañana siguiente todo estuvo en nuestra contra: mientras pasamos a recoger a cada uno de los actores y actrices era obvia la amenaza de lluvia, había ráfagas de viento meciendo los árboles a nuestro paso. Todo esto era producto de la tormenta tropical Amanda que había dejado tormentas dispersas en nuestra región.

Al llegar al teatro la grabación no pudo realizarse: las pruebas preliminares captaban demasiado ruido ambiental, y me sería imposible quitar este aún con una óptima edición. Edy se mostraba decepcionado al igual que los actores. Han invertido tiempo y esfuerzo en prepararse. Pero no es el fin del mundo, hemos decidido programar la grabación para el próximo jueves, esperando que las condiciones climáticas nos favorezcan.

La pandemia nos ha dado espacio de reflexión sobre nuestra labor en las artes; “casi como en un estado R.E.M” soñamos con volver a las tablas (en un sentido figurado). En este momento sentimos la necesidad de regresar a los espacios que vieron nacer este proyecto, los barrios, campos bananeros y muchos otros rincones subestimados. La fragua se resiste a cerrar, y aunque la muerte es inevitable en la vida, es necesario estar cerca de esta para renacer, en ese sentido; ¡volveremos con más fuerza!.

Tierra, Aire, Fuego, Agua, ustedes y nosotros somos teatro la fragua.

--Luis García

English version

During the present crisis, we have sent four basic food rations to the members of the company, as well as economic aid every 15 days, all through donations from different organizations.

Today we received a call from Radio Progreso, to pick up a load of 21 food packages in total, which include rice, wheat flour, corn flour, sugar, salt, butter, spaghetti, kitchen soap, laundry soap, washing powder, among others.

June is a busy month for me every year. I am in charge of contacting the media that will support us in the celebration of our season, also designing the theme of the campaign that will promote the celebration, radio spots, production of videos for social networks and preparing the design and printing of the T-shirt that we launch annually. Additionally, it is always necessary to get involved in the management to receive the guests, such as the accommodation, transportation, and the technical preparation for the execution of their shows. Today all this turns out to be just a memory; our annual work plan has gone overboard. The absence of our work in the arts hurts, although its spirit is always with us.

Today I find myself tracing routes to deliver food through the desolate streets. La fragua has not required me to do this; the sense of collaboration which normally prevails in our theatre has prevailed. Edy has also been involved to a great extent.

This week I prepared the recording equipment for our long-awaited production of "El Lorax" radio teatro version. We showed up with Edy the night before to do the corresponding tests. Four microphones seemed to be enough for the characters of the play, the stage of la fragua has always had the ideal acoustics (although not that necessary for a studio recording) and we agreed that it was adapted to our needs.

The next morning everything was against us. As we went to pick up each of the actors and actresses the threat of rain was obvious: there were gusts of wind swaying the trees in our path; all this was a product of Tropical Storm Amanda which had left storms scattered in our region.

When we arrived at the theatre the recording could not be done: the preliminary tests captured too much ambient noise, and it would be impossible to remove this even with an optimal edition. Edy was disappointed as well as the actors: they have invested time and effort to prepare. But it is not the end of the world. We have decided to schedule the recording for next Thursday, hoping that the weather conditions will be favorable to us.

The pandemic has given us space to reflect on our work in the arts. "Almost as in an R.E.M. state" we dream of returning to the stage (in a figurative sense). At this time we feel the need to return to the spaces that saw the birth of this project, the neighborhoods, banana fields and many other underestimated corners.

The forge resists closure, and although death is inevitable in life, it is necessary to be close to it in order to be reborn. In that sense; we will return with more strength!

Tierra, Aire, Fuego, Agua, ustedes y nosotros somos teatro la fragua.

--Luis García

Keep Safe and wash your hands.





Send a contribution to:

Paypal: teatrolafraguagmail.com


teatro la fragua

c/o Jesuit Advancement Office

4511 West Pine Boulevard

St. Louis, MO. 63108, U.S.A./EE.UU.

Please send the donation details to teatrolafragua@gmail.com